Basically I’m suggesting an accurate star map to be implemented in UII for navigation purposes and to make the night sky more than a generic skybox.And if Nelson doesn’t want to add all the constellations that we have in real life,he can at least add the North star for navigating.
It would make more sense if maps were bigger in II but I also don’t see a problem with adding that later. It would be neat to be able to tell where the map is IRL just with the night sky.
A better skybox would be neat, and I am a sucker for realism.
But anything beyond maybe one or two basic stars/constealltions would not meanigfuly add to the game.
clouds should be a thing, but not stupid and goofy looking like in 3.x
They should just be part of the skybox, not actual full 3d rendered clouds.
Clouds should look realistic too, not cartooony and weird like in 3.x