Games from E3 2018

Insurgency Sandstorm


Last of Us 2

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Fellout 76

new super smash bros

My friend Pedro, 10\10

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That game with the battle royale mode.
Oh wait, that’s all of them.

Borderlands 3

Runs off to cry in a corner

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If you wanna play a fallout game play New Vegas

Frontier looks pretty good

Death Stranding

ya mean Super Smash Bros, Ultimate? I think that that is the biggest disappointment. They said they would add EVERY character, but they don’t have shyguy, or any Koopa variants (ie normal koopa, red koopa, drybones…). There are other characters I cant think of off the top of my head, but yeah…

Can’t tell if you’re joking or not.

They meant they were adding every character that has ever been playable in the Smash franchise, which they did. Koopas and Shyguys have never been a playable character.

Mario Kart :thinking:

That’s not Smash. :c That’s the Mario Kart franchise.

oh, well I didn’t see that in your post, and I misunderstood what Nintendo said. (but, i actually think Waluigi is going to be a trophy, and not playable), from sources

Rico Rodriguez and just cause 4, just love explosions ^^

Right. Waluigi has never been playable in the Smash franchise to begin with, it’s just that a lot of people want him playable despite being shown as an assist trophy during the trailer. Technically can just be a bamboozle to trick people into thinking he’s not, but as far as the trailer is concerned he’s just an assist trophy.

I thought he was because Wario is.

Unfortunately, Waa capella will not be coming to the next Smash game.

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