Glass used in crafting

since there will be smashable windows in unturned 2 i thought it would be cool if you could use these shards in crafting or in making traps (sorry if this was already suggested). sou you could make spears and shivs using this. they would have decent damage but low durability so it wouldnt be a long term weapon.


It’s pretty basic of an idea, but I agree nonetheless.

NEO Scavenger gang.

Am I the only one who thinks about actual glassworks? Smelting and crafting should be a thing.

Also if you climb through a glass window that still has shards you could cut yourself quite badly.

Yes. I don’t see such a deep system implemented into II.

While being able to collect each shard from a broken window for crafting glassware, each spent shell for reloading, or each blade of grass for concealment/fodder/basket weaving, these were all designed as visual effects, not as interactive items, and replacing them with actual items could have an adverse effect on performance.

Yeah. Maybe if the broken glass was a single flat model, that just resembled broken glass (after the window had been broken), and you could salvage that

Before some people are quick to jump the gun on this being unfun, I think it’s a reasonable balance to being able to break windows in map buildings to enter/loot them. In addition, glass breaking should be quite loud and attract the Turned in a large radius around the broken glass.

I’d much rather just have a couple of additional shards that function as items drop at the window that are larger and more noticeable. These ones you could grab, while others would logically be too small.

As an additional idea to all of the above quotes, tempered glass would have no risk of cutting you but would also not generate salvageable shards. Tempered glass would be found in certain buildings, but primarily in civilian vehicles. This also discourages farming vehicles for glass, as would be reasonable.

Actual windows, makeshift lamps, jars, zooming lenses and windshields (e.g.) disagree.

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