About the crouching position.
In any fps game, the crouch pose is a powerful instrument to change the game in your favor because the enemy needs a slight position change(?), allowing protection against the tactic called wallbanging, crouching being thing a little unpredictable in an encounter and reduces the recoil of any weapon.
My suggestions about this is
- Reduce gun sight mobility when crouching.
- make it impossible shoot when animation to crouching.
- make it impossible to shoot and walk at same time when crounching.
- make it impossible to throw grenades or any other throwable objects when crouching.
- Decrease explosive damage when crouched.
- Decrease gun recoil when crouching.
one of most situational weapons in games, grenades, are weapons extremely good at removing “campers”, to make fugue routes(?), to allow damage in places out of sight, or to make traps! and the most macabre: burn enemies until they die.
nelson doesn’t talk about grenades on the trello except these 3 things
-/ Combat
-/ throwables
- throw strength distance
- pull pin and hold or cook the grenade
- preview of travel path
-/ Molotovs
and the part that I like the most
- catch on fire and burn until you roll for a while or submerge yourself.
(I expect screams about that)
Im in here just to post more suggestions
Suggestions to add.
In grenades
Sticky Grenades
Travel farther than other grenades, and cause more damage to vehicles. -
Frag grenade
The famous Mk.2 but more powerful (in real life this will kill anything within 10 meters) -
like in unturned 3, stun for ~5seconds and cause noise for ~10 or ~20 seconds. -
Sting grenade
its made with an eraser and when it explodes it just causes pain and a sensation of burning, things like a blur on screen and a decrease on sensibility occur when you are stunned ~10 seconds duration. -
smoke grenade, please nelson just one standard color but keep the ability to change its color(?)
make a ball of smoke, going inside of this smoke decreases your immunity for a short period of time.
- chemistry grenade
Gas from this grenade causes immunity to lower very quickly.
The mechanics
the possibility of throwing grenades back, its simple and idiot(?), point to the thrown grenade, pick it up and throw it back. (?)
please the possibility of make that with any grenade without exception. -
Enduring effects, go suppose than you inhale a smoke grenade or chemistry grenade for a little while when you leave of the smoke the effects will continue for a short amount of time obviously this effect would be less powerful but would be longer lasting based on how long you were in the smoke.
Thats all.