Hello, I already brought up an amazing armor system suggestion so this time its a gun suggestion :
So I want to be able to take off a barrel from a pistol and apply it to another pistol so we can build our own guns, they might not be effective as the real deal or be even better, you will need a skill to change parts like engineering lvl 4 or something like that, and for one part to work you need other parts that function with that part so you do the “pistol” for example that was a semi-auto and now shoots full auto but it jams frequently and etc. This could make a big impact on the guns of 4.0.
already implemented
Then I must be blind or just stupid XD
I saw it but my potato IQ let me forget it.
But, that’s the only gun. Its already fully auto as well. Nelson isn’t really focusing on the Glock’in’ma’rarri and yes, I am sad I can’t pop pop the fool down the street yet, but Nelson is working on better things like finishing the map and code’n’stuff. (sorry for the bad grammar,I tried to fit glock’in’ma’rarri into my sentence.)
Seeing as everyone else here has pointed out the obvious, I feel like it may be necessary to say dont tag Nelson? I mean, he does browse this forum on his own time and (probably) does his best to check out new topics and the like.
Plus tagging Nelson for something this trivial will often make you look attention hungry.
Well I’m not I just figured if I mentioned him maybe he would have seen my idea quicker but after I saw that its already cindoff implemented into 4.0 I’m going to delete this. But thanks for your opinion!
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