The idea is to not reach that kind of point. In 3.x you can take more than 100 shots in less than 1 hour, by just spamming medkits every time you get hit or some. In 4.x you’re not intended to do that, LOL.
Also, taking inspiration from No More Room In Hell (Ik it’s not the perfect example, but it’s what I have at hand), I’d like to see that medkits in 4.x have their own animation and time of use depending on the injuries you are treating (NMRIH it’s the same always, but it takes its time. That’s the point). Also this considers the components of the kit you’re using, like a micro-storage of smaller meds, so that you can re-use the medkit until the components needed for some or any specific injury run out.
That could be neat IMHO, since there’s not even a bit of realism on spamming medkits.