How Long Have you been part of the UNTURNED COMMUNITY

right, so what?

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It was a relevant story. Any problems with that?

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yes actually

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Unturned is the reason why I downloaded steam and knowing that I have the 2 years badge on steam(maybe 3 years soon) that makes me a youngling!


same situation Unturned 3.0 this is one of my first steam games

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And what is that problem?

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Sorry what?

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unlike your friend, I have 6 hours of playtime

He now has 8.4.

Get rekt turkler dab
joke, dont kill me

I’m now going to idle for 3 hours and get my playtime to 9 hours just to piss him off

Very nice.

Imagine not switching your Steam to english

Played Deadzone on Roblox, but I never knew about 1.0. I got back into it mid-way through 2.0

what, because english is so great and america stronk?

Nah, mostly so barely literate [insert non-english/american nationality here] can read (or rather translate) it.

Stay mad ahmed

To whom it may concern

Its called friendly banter, I ain’t editing shit to appease you

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