How to make full potential from GPU

My friend doesn’t know how this forum works and so on, so I am asking this question to help him. He just have bought RTX 4060. When he opened Unturned, It was using only 30% of the GPU and he only had 130 fps. He wants to make it 70-80% of usage so fps would be higher. Any suggestions that I can recommend to him?

I don’t know bro, with my settings inside the game, the video card loads up to 100% without restrictions, so I set the fps limit

My friend have only 120 fps but this is impossible with his GPU. He should have much more. He still needs help with this problem. Maybe Nelson can help us. What is more, I also have this problem. My GPU only takes 50% to make 120 fps, I am pretty sure it can do better

Why on earth would you want to max out a 4060 on 3.X?
I’d wager 120FPs is plenty, he could always just disable vsync and hope for the best tho.
Card usage doesn’t scale with FPS tho, not linearly anyway.

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