How will controllers work will 4.0?

With 4.0 controller support will be added, But what is the layout? How do you lean? How will you toggle items? Can you set items in you inventory to a button? Please let me know.

Because it’s on the PC, that should all be up to you. I personally might connect a controller and see just how bad/good it is when 4.0 comes out, hoping it’s the latter.

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You’ll use a radial menu.

What I am saying is that there is not enough buttons on a controller, Like there are 14 buttons on a controller and there so many more on a keyboard and unturned 3.0 use a lot of them and think that it will be the same in 4.0

I don’t think players even use 14 keys in Unturned 3 to begin with, and that’s including WASD.

Hmmm, I’m curious now, let me count the keys. I have everything rebinded so the exact keys will obviously be different for you guys, but…

Frequently Used Keys (that any player probably uses frequently, even very inexperienced ones)

Movement - WASD/Shift/Ctrl/Z - 7 keys
(4 directions, sprint, crouch, prone)

Action - LMB/RMB/E - 3 keys
(use equipped item, ADS/strong melee, interact)

Interface - Enter/Tab/M - 3 keys
(chat, interface, map)

Equip - 1/2 - 2 keys
(primary, secondary)

Even to a basic extent and not including stuff like keys 3-0 for item binds, or G/Y/M for interface shortcuts, or voice chat, or even locking a car, I have listed more than 14 keys. Checkmate, sergei

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  1. WASD + Shift = 1 analogue stick
  2. C (crouch) and Z (prone) = combined into one key in Unturned 3 (I believe it’s O by default for keyboards?)
  3. Ctrl (modifier key for some vehicle things and quick-management) = one of the keys we have left. Possibly also used as a radial menu for misc. things too, like sirens and locking cars and switching seats.
  4. LMB (primary action) = some trigger key…?
  5. RMB (secondary action) = some trigger key…?
  6. F (interact) = whatever games use… that button.
  7. Space (jump) = whatever games use… that button.
  8. Q (lean) = left bumper?
  9. E (lean) = right bumper?
  10. Possible quick-switch between first hotkey and second hotkey, hold to switch to fists? = Or, hold for radial menu of all hotkeys, more likely. Make fists just a double-tap then.
  11. Menu button(s). = Inventory on press, hold for radial menu?

Text chat isn’t really a thing on console. Voice chat is basically done through just an open mic plugged in and whatever.

Most people lock cars through the UI, same with changing seats.

Main UI doesn’t really need specific keys tbh. Inventory and Information are the main two though, yeah. Controller might just need an optional special Controller-oriented UI style for menus though, tbh.

Oh yeah.

Radial menus solve everything

Radial menus inside radial menus. >:D Use use one key for the whole game.

But yeah, radial menus are planned to be used for the controller controls a bit (alongside some interaction menus in normal gameplay for all input devices).

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