I ttried to make a flag I used the flag exemple and I replaced the texture of the Canadian flag whit my flag and the asigned the texture to the material , the I bundle it whit the bundle tool.(yes I use the tool on the folder)
Then I go to the Unturned Folder>bundles>objects.medium>parks
There I duplicated the Candian flag folder, I changed the name in the English text file , I renamed my second file to the name of the flag , deleted the GUID and drag and drop the bundle tool.
I can find the object in the Editor but I cant place it.
What did i done wrong?
First you should check your error logs. Also, did you rename the folder the flag is in? The name of the folder should be the same as the bundle.
The folder names are the same, And I dont get anything on the console , except that when I puted in unity for the first time the bundle tool scripts a warning that Linux and Mac scrpits inside.
You copied the folder from a previous flag right, not edited the original. Also you use the regular bundle tool I’m guessing?
Add the line Exlude_From_Master Bundle
It won’t show up if you are using the regular bundle tool and it’s put into a folder that contains Master Bundled assets. So that may be your problem.
But check error logs
Hey that’s some really helpful advice thank you for being so useful. But if you want to add to a previous message edit it. Try not to send messages like that as it uses a lot of screen space and many people do not like it.
It’s not that big of a deal. Some people rather read smaller messages then a huge paragraph tbh
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