I don't think that's how wings works

This makes sense:

This does not:

It don’t serve any purpose, and there´s two of them:

Here’s how it woud look without the bottom one:


Actually, that’s exactly how it’s supposed to be, as Nelson based the vehicle off of a Honda Civic Hatchback, which does look like that.

If you have any complaints on the design feel free to tell Honda how wings work


In this hatchback (wich looks like a minivan in Unturned) version, it isn’t really for aerodynamic, but for aesthetics. Looks how it connects with the tail lights. In Nelson’s version it is just a line from nothing to anywhere.

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I mean, the point I’m trying to make here is that while Nelson doesn’t exactly copy the design of the real thing precisely, that second wing is still supposed to be there. And that’s the point OP was confused about.


Yeah, but in the real civic it has a purpose, in uturned it does not, it is not really a wing, sice the real one is on top.

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You can use it to help open and close the back.


Now you got me

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The model you see in the alpha is not the Type R, instead the base model Civic. That can be assumed by the lack of a third exhaust pipe and the rear wing. Your point is invalid in every possible way.

So yeah essentially what Great Eroge said


Dude, how is it invalid? The black lip is there for aesthetics, both in the type r and the standard hatchback version. The “real spoiler” in the standard is the top lip, and in the type r is the wing. In unturned is not either connecting the tail lights or being useful for aerodynamics.

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Aerodynamics are not a thing in Unturned, and it doesn’t matter if the bottom lip is connecting the tail lights or not, it’s there for aesthetical purpose only. There’s no need to make a big deal out of this.

As inspirobot says,


I like the car.

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No way, i really though it was.

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Then why point it out?

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Have we seriously gotten so bored in this Forum that we’re complaining about a black bar on a car that affects literally nothing?


That’s the point, why is it even there?

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Do you not read?

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You can put a monkey there for aesthetics, but what’s the sense?

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For a companion


You’re derailing this completely. It’s there because the car has it in real life. For realism. For aesthetical realism.
It doesn’t need to serve any function, but that doesn’t mean it should be removed if it makes the model closer to real life in a vanilla style.

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In real life, it is part of the taillights.

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