I was playing on a server, and suddenly, the server crashed. I asked what had happened, and they sent me this:
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path “Washington/Spawns/Players/[Donor]-[MOD] [Knight Of TDAT] guardian202 [guardian202]/Third/Skeleton/Spine/Skull”
Apparently that made the server crash. Don’t know if that’s a server or game issue. My steam profile is http://steamcommunity.com/id/guardian202/ if this amounts to anything.
I was wearing:
Gold Neck Chain
Biker Jacket
Trouser Pants
Cobweb Bandana
Sounds like a broken modded item. They should unsubscribe to the mod.
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The only mods on the server are structure protection and a few command ones, I believe. I just wanted it to be noted, just in case. I’m no developer, so I just wanted to bring it to someone’s attention.
Those sound like Rocket plugins, not mods. Clearly you have a bad plugin that’s interfering with the game.
What’s the full server name?
My apologies, they are rocket plugins, but the error I posted seems to be something having to do with the Character, so I assumed it was an Unturned problem. Correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t want to be making a fool of myself. I’m also doing it because apparently I caused the server to crash…
This one was The Day After Tomorrow | RP | No KOS | Vanilla on Washington. The issue hasn’t popped up since and it seems to have been a one-time thing, but just in case, right? Also, sometimes the server finder will not find the server… if you need the IP let me know.
IP would be easier actually, yeah.
Port: 27015