I...shot myself?

While doing a horde beacon i was attempting to kill the Mega zombie that i didn’t notice before i started it. I went into third-person to aim easier because i was using a dragonfang, and when i start shooting, I kill myself! How the hell is that even possible…?


Interesting :thinking:

It’s not. This has happened to me before, I think it’s a glitch or caused by lag.

I’d say that because of the way the bullet projectiles are coded, under some super small chance there might of been a delay between the two, making it possible for you to walk into it.

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More likely that the player’s hitbox managed to out run the bullets, and hit them in the process.


trust nobody, not even yourself


it could be rubber banding, or he glitched forwards.

You used third person… that’s how.

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smh my head, you really have to work on your aim sir



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Actually quantum mechanics permits that.

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actually I don’t understand this meme

actually i’ll use a different meme

actually why is spooderman pointing at spooderman and why is spooderman pointing at spooderman

actually because he has identity crisis

actually hmm


no, i was standing still. I crouch to try and avoid any boulders the mega throws at me and take aim. i shoot while not moving at all. idk how its possible to shoot yourself, but i love the spider-man meme =P

The most logical answer is that there was something terrible in that horde beacon. Something that would unleash terrible evil upon Russia. You had to make up for your mistakes, you traveled to Germany and discovered a man working on a teleporter. He offered you blueprints and you got to work. after years of planning and gathering of supplies, the time machine was ready. All that it needed was a soul crystal to power it. You traveled beneath the subway and fired at a zombie and the machine started whirring. The fabric of your clothes clung to you as static electricity began forming in the atmosphere. In a flash of shocking electricity, you were back to that day, where you shot that mega zombie. You had to act fast. Your stamina was trained after all the years of surviving, so you sprinted to volk on foot and saw yourself readying fire. at that moment you Charged your DragonFang and took aim. You saved what was left of the world and you would be the only one to know.