I believe this is already confirmed for 4.0, not sure though.
Either way I’d definitely like to see that, as well as melee being overhauled in general.
Melee combat should be fun, difficult, and non-exploitive, while still being rewarding.
I believe this is already confirmed for 4.0, not sure though.
Either way I’d definitely like to see that, as well as melee being overhauled in general.
Melee combat should be fun, difficult, and non-exploitive, while still being rewarding.
Here are some changes I suggest:
For dodging I think the basic movement controls are enough, however certain movements such as rolls or dashes can be done by double-tapping, combinations, while aiming or crouched, for example GTA V has a ‘Combat roll’ where pressing ‘Jump’ while ADS would make the character roll to a certain direction.
Attack styles
Reverse knives, chops and jabs are variations of ‘power attacks’ depending on weapon, player movement, and attack range.
These ideas may need tweeking or rethinking. Let me know what you guys&gals think about this?
Oh and, ya’ll should consider playing ‘Condemned: Criminal Origins’ because the game is a melee focused FPS and I think the fighting mechanism seems interesting.
that sounds even more complicated then the base suggestion lmfla
I’m not exactly talking about the mature audience. I’m talking about the 6 year olds who can barely reach their computer mouse.
I think there’s a lot of ways the melee combat can be overhauled in a much simpler way. I do like some of the ideas, like blocking and ambushing (gives the sneakybeaky skill a reason to be upgraded - maybe a stab in the back does more damage if the skill is upgraded!) I just primarily think that dodging i basically just… going away from the weapon? You can do that without a keybind. And shoving? It seems cool for RP, but for actual gameplay it seems very very unnecessary.
why would you want unturned to appeal to an audience that, frankly, shouldn’t even be playing the game anyways?
so you’re assuming something that…frankly doesn’t even make sense when you think about it. what does “going away from the weapon” even mean? WHOSE weapon? away in what manner? etc.
when i saw “dodging” i thought of something like dying light or (to an incredibly exaggerated extent) furi where it’s a quick burst of speed in whatever direction you chose - a side step, you could say. might also be a dark souls styled combat roll, i’unno.
sure, but it’s more difficult.
shoving would probably be better against zombies, really.
Going away from the weapon. As in, using WASD to move away from the person who is attacking you.
I might do another post reworking/improving my suggestions on this one, as a I’ve been brainstorming this topic last night (while sleeping, lol) and now I think that I know how to suggest for a better melee, keeping it simple but complex and realistic enough. This time we’ll have less complaints, and all thanks to everyone’s feedback
all ideas are exelents i dont deny, but stay in the face, peoples with more played time in servers have advantage in melle combat same with less itens using this logic of skillset
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