I’d be fine with that.
The first 9 episodes are garage, the rest of season 1 is fine. I enjoyed rest of the season though -battle tendency was great. Things really get good once stands are introduced in part 3 (season 2) but you shouldn’t skip to that part because the previous 2 parts are important to the rest (you’ll appreciate them later)
I’ve committed a cardinal sin of anime by watching bits and pieces of Golden Wind/Part 5 with a friend before starting the show from the beginning.
out of all the parts to watch bits and pieces of you chose the one where its mere existence is a spoiler for part 3. You bubbling buffoon.
You have doomed us all
No, that’s from Naruto.
i think we’ve been over this.
i watch this religiously.
“fist of the north star” is clearly french for naruto. obvi obviously
oh no i’ve been caught reeee
i was only pretending to be retarded
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