What is this “M.O.A. Citation?” Does the M.O.A. stand for Making of America, Memorandum Of Agreement, Mall of America, Minute Of Angle, Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanism of Action, Museum of Art, Municipality Of Anchorage, Mall of Asia, Mode of Action, Maîtrise d’Ouvrage, Medal of Honor, Medical Office Assistant, Military Operations Area, Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics, Minute of Arc, Method of Analysis, Military Operating Area, Man of Action, Made of Awesome, Market Opportunity Analysis, Miscellaneous Offences Act, Moyen-Orient et Afrique, Macromedia Open Architecture, Missouri Optometric Association, Michigan Optometric Association, Minimum Order Amount, Motor Oil Additive, Monsters of Art, Massachusetts Orthopaedic Association, Managed Object Agent, Mission Oriented Approach, Method Of Accomplishment, Union Ministry of Agriculture, Meteorology, Ozone and Aerosol, Measure of Aggregation, Mouse Anatomy Ontology, Mark of Amber, Medium Observation Aircraft, Mission Operations Area, Minions of Abyss, Missing On Arrival, Management Operations Audit, Match on Action, Mercenaries of Alliance, Move on Already, or Mercenary of Abaddon?
Its a papers please thing.
i t s a m e m e y o u d i p
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