It’s no secret that Triple-A games as of recent have continually gone down the drain. Releases like Battlefront 2 or Fallout 76 show what little effort Triple-A developers are putting into their games just for some quick cash.
And I understand that is what all companies want, and game companies are no different, but in their earlier years they actually showed passion for their products. Games like “Doom” or “Team Fortress 2” show lots of passion in their design.
Hell, some of the original Call of Duties and Battlefields had passion put into them.
But that trend is long since gone, and in it’s place we have yearly releases for games that are simply just reskins of their predecessors.
Disappointingly, I don’t see any sign of this changing; EA tried to see how much they could get away with in Battlefront II, and I can guarantee you they will try to pull some stunt like that again.
“But what does this have to do with Indie games?”
It’s simple:
With the loss of trust that the public has had with Triple-A games, they’ve had to move onto something else to satisfy them.
Indie devs, being that answer.
Indie developers usually can’t “wow” people with graphics or flashy trailers, so instead they have to rely on solid gameplay and interesting concepts to draw people’s attention.
Games like Iron Harvest or Deep Rock Galactic actually rely on having fun in a video game, and while they may not have the best graphics, they certainly have an appeal with their art direction.
And how could I not mention Unturned II?
Nelson is accepting a lot of feedback and is constantly in touch with it’s community concerning the quality of the game; something that I can’t say for EA or Bethesda.
As a result, Nelson will still produce a better product than a fully funded Cod Blops 6 team.
I just felt the need to speak my mind about the coming years for gaming. 2019 does not seem to be too promising of a year in terms of Triple-A gaming:
and I feel like if Steam lowered it’s cut from the sales of games from 30% down to 10-15%, then Indie devs would be able to have much more coverage and be a lot more successful, possibly even more so than
Triple-A developers.
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