Is this supposed to be funny?

I lost it.

Oh wow your the only one who stood up to me

Youā€™re. 10 characters

How am I standing up for you? I literally said I donā€™t want shitposts on this forum and you shitposted in this very thread.

Iā€™m simply not a fan of threads calling users out, regardless of who they are. But donā€™t think Iā€™m sticking up for you because Iā€™m simply not. Regardless of if I think the original thread should have been made I think Harvest raises a good point.


itā€™s dan schneiderā€™s forum account

we should time travel back 1 year where only my shit posts dominate the forums


forums were actually good before

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Yeah. You can do that as much now that youā€™re mod. We live in grim times indeed.

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