I need your pardon fellas, because I’ve sinned.
I don’t gaf if you guys still want me dead (before that “no u”, it was only myself), but I’ve thought on something atrocius, and I need to cleanse.
I need to pay my debts with Afrodita herself, the goddess of beauty and love, for such a horrible sh*t…
Have any of you ever thought on turning somebody you love so much into a meme…?
Because I did…
And it would be so mean…
But she did such a face…
But I love her!..
Oh please Lord, forgive me!
30 hearts and I’ll paste the pic.
- She won’t ever know, high five
- I’ll pardon you, just take it back
- Burn in hell, you meanie bastard
Is Jessica somehow involved?
That’s @GreatHeroJ’s chick, you sick bum custard.
Hey, you said you were the one who had sinned, I just wasn’t sure how bad it was.
It is this bad. You know why @Pork?
Cuz’ she’s REAL
That’s not the only sin you have;

Greed is another one.
If I’m gonna commit such crime, it must be worth it.
There aren’t any hearts yet, tho.
GHJessica is cheating on GHJ confirmed
My gf is far hotter than GHJessica.
posts a picture of a waifu body pillow

the fuc do you mean on this topic
solver squad, find out which one is hotter
because I’ve never seen or met them
Describing it becomes IT; to attempt to recreate even the slightest facsimile would be foolish.
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