Really Old Culture This Map Will Be one of the biggest maps in Unturned With Less Cities But More Zombies. Comes With The Brand New 95b-1 Carabine.
Map #2: Italian Islands
Beautiful Coastlines Shining Seas This Map Will Have Less Zombies But More Cities Also It Comes With The Gun “Lupara” Sawed off Shotgun With Sicilian Origins.
Map #3: East Africa
This Map Will Give you a Chance to live the african culture Explore Great Deserts And Kill The African Bosses, Comes Up With R4 assault Rifle
Map #4: Siberia
Really Cold Land With Pure Snow And Shining Ice, This Map Will Reduce The Visual Distance and will be like a Yukon 2.0
Map #5: Arizona
(Ok i Selected This randomly i admit it.) Really strong Forces With Big US Cities Enjoy Living a Arizonian Life.
Honestly, while maps based off of countries are cool and all, I think it’s time for Unturned II to be more creative. There are only so many totally ‘unique’ biomes and cultures one can explore before things get repetitive.
#2 and #5 are the only ones that I might be able to agree with. The entirety of China would be too big of an area to compress into one map. Any map big enough to contain a huge area has problems with optimization, dev time, memory usage, and more. Forcing a huge area into a map small enough to be practical means many parts of the area would never be added to any map.
I think it should have maps that feature their own country, but they should not have capital cities or one if the big cities of the country in them because they would need to be made smaller like in 3.0. Take for example Seattle in 3.0 it looks way to small and pathetic
Not the barren hellscape at least too much you think it is. Think of it as Yukon, but next level.
First problem? Spawn? Belive it or not I can link there are actually some formations in the land that have 70 degree weather year around on specific strips of land. Mostly snow free.
Now, where to get food? Fishing and hunting. And smart tactics
Locations? Well besides the research stations that exist there in real life, there are abandoned soviet and nazi outposts (research), sunken ships, massive mountain ranges, revines, air strips (vehicles) icebergs, large open spaces, and I’m sure you can add in some Easter egg and story wise related dungeons and ruins (like spacecraft, mostly underground pyramids, that be kool yo).
Those are just names, the maps don’t always really look like their real life counter parts. Also, don’t forget that Nelson hasn’t been the only one making maps for Unturned. If you really want a specific plays you could try to make it yourself.
I strongly disagree. I much prefer fictional locations that are at most loosely based off of some real world place rather than it just be completely based off a real life location.
That’s the point, many countries share similar biomes and cultures, it’ll only get stale quick.
I’m not saying Nelson should completely avoid countries, but he shouldn’t be constantly using them as creative maps that are set in other settings are more likely to be interesting.
When you name it after the entire country and say it will be the biggest map yet, that kinda sounds exactly like the Canada map. If the map is only based on a certain part of China, then why name it after all of China? Wouldn’t that prevent maps from focusing on other parts of China without confusion?