Lober Appreciation Thread

We must appreciate the man who created lober: Steven


Now askin the real questions

  • BelgiumEBR
  • Lober

0 voters


It isn’t a fair fight. According to Russia and Greece lore, it would take at least twelve Belgian EBRs to defeat a single Lober. The Carpat map actually features an EBR captain who was the sole survivor of ‘The Battle of Hurted Hill’ a great fight between two-hundred EBRs and nineteen Lober (who admittedly were using guerilla warfare tactics). You can find him in the npc base, barely clinging to life. He lost his memory in the fight so they just call him “Survivor of Hurted” or “Hurted Survivor.”


@Froggo But there’s also the case of an EBR killing a Lober at it’s strongest armored area with a single shot, and from 1,000 yards away. This is an official field report may I mind you, not an individual experience.

Not to mention this was one of three reported Giga-Lober encounters during the war.


Y’all are forgetting the major battle of the wildcat, where the LObers teamed up with Belgium Wildcat to sabotage the barrels of Belgium EBR, causing them to explode whenever fired at certain angles. This was a major battle in the war that was a huge blow to the EBR’s supplies


Yall are forgetting about the lobers

the lobers would lob lobers into the warfield

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Man I FUCKING HATE the EBR, they come to OUR island and then take OUR JOBS.
#loberlife :moneybag: :ei_lober:


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May I remind you that this is one of the few Lober casualties ever recorded. There is also sufficient evidence that he survived the blast and went on to die of gangrene.


uwu lober…


like if you are true ebr fan


I am crying that you would post such a thing on our lober thread :sob:


The autopsy report shows that the giga-lober died from the round that pierced it’s skull and fucked up it’s brain. It was killed on impact may I remind you, this is a giga-lober. The best type of lober around, and it died to an AP round shot by a standard EBR. Also, if this is an isolated case than so is yours an isolated case.

Damn, I can’t stand revisionists trying to rewrite the EBR-Lober War. The lobers clearly lost, and were surrounded on all sides. Their effort to fight the Chemicals Union was a total disaster.


He’s a frog in disguise.


I’ve never read a more uneducated paragraph on these forums.

The giga-lober is not the strongest lober, it’s the haleeb lober. I can’t take anything you’ve said as the truth. I would like to add as well, that lober’s brains are much to small to get a direct hit. They are known not for their intelligence, but for their strength. The round would have ricocheted off of the haleeb lober’s skull and ballistically targeted the EBRs, betraying them.


As stated before in this thread, the strongest Lober is the haleeb (حليب) Lober. This strain is so strong that Santa Claus uses one to pull his sleigh. You can even find a حليب stable on the Christmas in July map. I’m not sure where you’re getting your information from, all Lober’s brains are located in their throats, not their skulls.


Still giga-lobers are supposedly really powerful. Besides, only two haleeb lobers ever existed and they ended up getting abandoned by the lobermacht


Look, you’re clearly uninformed. You’re using a bunch of baseless claims to push your agenda. The others might not, but I can see through your ruse. Your plan is to take over Loberastan, and establish a Oligarchy. You will then use the LOBER unit to spread your influence. Then you plan to take over Zanzibarland. Next you’ll move into the Xinjiang province in China, your army will then follow G315 until it merges with the G214 near Xining, From there your army will establish an outpost, where you’ll mass produce EBR-L62, from there you’ll invade Guangdong, and take control of Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. Once you have a firm grasp on the province, you’ll raid Tencents headquarters in Shenzhen. From there you’ll access their Unturned database, and take control of the Chinese build. Finally, you’ll replace all Lobers with EBRs. You’re sick, you’re despicable. I hate you.


Olive Garden***

ftfy. Damn autocorrect


it’s the harsh reality… but it’s the one we have to see through.