Note: These would be areas you can find, whether its a pileup of cars, or an overun survivor camp, each area will have its own story to tell.
Note 2: Location details will change slightly based on the time into the infection on said map (A vehicles headlights still being turned on, fires still bruning, ect)
Note 3: Wrecked and damaged vehicles can have parts scavenged from them. Ill make a more detailed post about this later.
Small Locations
Wrecked Cars. These would be areas where you would find a couple non functioning vehicles, and rarely a vehicle. there would be a few zombies, and a couple things in the car trunks and the car seats. You would probably be able to open the car doors to check inside the car for stuff that can be used (House keys, keycards, and other random items) You could also scavenge a small amount of fuel from them.
Airdrop: These would be old airdrops, left behind after the people who found it took what they wanted. You could probably find ammo for weapons here.
helicopter crashes: These could be next to anywhere, the side of a skyscraper, fields, and a bunch of other places. These have small amounts of military loot, and you can scavenge for helicopter parts.
Plane crashes: Pretty much the same as heli crashes except larger, and slightly different loot.
Medium locations
Car Pileup/ Large Car Wreck, basically the same as a normal car wreck, but involves 4-5 vehicles.
Police Barricade: Would be either road blocks or fences set up by the police force in attempt to contain the infection. If fenced off, the hole would have a few holes in it that you could crouch through, or the fence would be climbable (Doesnt have barbed wire on it)
Wrecked Trains: these would be trains that wrecked at some point. You could probably find several civilian items in them. Sometimes they will be military trains or supply trains, and then would contain their respective loot and zombies
Stopped Trains: These would be trains that you can loot, and afterwards you have a few choices, 1- Scavenge the train for parts and make it harder to repair it later, or 2- repair the train and use it to travel long distance in a much safer vehicle than a car.
Military barricade: Basically a higher tier of police barricades, pretty much always have barbed wire fences and broken military vehicles. You would find military ammo, rarely working military vehicles, as well as guns rarely.
Military Convoys: These are a large collection of military vehicles on a roadway. You will find some military loot (Smoke grenades, and perhaps a few attachable pouches for military vests.
Temporary Military Bases: Similar to military barricades, these are small “Command Posts” that were there for the soldiers. These sometimes have higher level military loot, as well as working military vehicles, as well as VERY rarely higher level military vehicles (helicopters, apcs, ect). They are usually set up around major locations (Hospitals, police stations, ect ect)
Gas stations: Usually have a lot of vehicles around them, and almost always completely empty of gas. Not really much is special about it otherwise.
Large Locations
- Highways covered in vehicles: The name says it all, they are highways that have hundreds of destroyed vehicles on them. Usually these are right outside of military checkpoints, aka military barricades.
Military Bases: You can usually find more higher tier loot here, but it is incredibly difficult to get stuff out alive.
Abandoned survivor camps: These would be large camps built by survivors that got overrun. You are actually more likely to find loot here than anywhere else.
Turned Dimension research bases set up before the apocalypse, as an attempt to study the area. Perhaps these would server as “Safe areas” in the Turned dimension and once you leave, the creatures start attacking?
City Streets: Covered in car wrecks, and the occasional barricade. Basically nothing would be left except burned wrecks from carpet bombing by the military. (Is that what its called?) and such.
You get the gist of it.
Im too tired to do anything else, and I dont think i really would do much else anyways, so thats all.
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