Lore Extension

Since only 3.0 Had notes as lore parts (or objects that you couldn’t interact, I’m not talking about easter eggs) but what about Audio logs that you could listen to? It would add immerse to what happened before the outbreak and it wouldn’t be hard to find few Voice actors or even hire Fans, Tell me what do you think.


This along with “secret” maps/gpses, computer logs (think fallouts terminals) would make for very very good map making tools.

Rather than audio logs which would likely be super cheesy, why not go with text like virtually every story-driven game ever made?

I mean, Nelson has always been independent in developing core aspects of the Unturned series like this. I see no reason why he’d be almost obligatorily required to hire outside help for something as straightforward as lore.

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We would need voice actors.

I would be okay with adding audio support, so workshop creators could create them, however I don’t think it should be on official maps.

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I don’t care how cheesy audio logs are, they still work very well.

Better than text? I’d doubt it.

Even when audio is present in story-based games, it’s almost always accompanied by text. Plus, it allows you to not have to replay the audio over and over just to fully comprehend all the details. Text is easier to do and is more versatile, in addition to being far more user friendly.

Yeah, but I just don’t like having only text. It doesn’t feel professional in terms of world-building.

Well, text is easily far more professional than audio in that regard. Voice acting is not only more difficult to pull off properly but it is also just not as practical from a gameplay perspective. Text also allows for far more opportunities (e.g. tiny hints of lore carefully hidden in a shred of a newspaper) while audio is a lot less versatile (really you can only do NPC dialogue, maybe radio transmissions, and cutscenes)

In fact, actually, what makes text lore unprofessional? All types of games, regardless of being AAA or indie, make use of it quite well. All of the most successful story-based games use text, some using both text and audio, but never using audio alone.

im thinking we should have more straightforward lore like in rust

Rust clearly takes place on an abandoned island were the government wants to do something (like kill, experiement on or just watch) to the primitive people

this is shown through gameplay and other mechanics
were unturned is just kinda confusing and you have to dig really deep for it

That’s actually very debatable. The lore isn’t any more clear in Rust; in fact I’d actually say Unturned has more clear lore while Rust has more in-depth lore that is more unclear. It’s definitely not what I’d call “straightforward”, and I’m an old veteran of both games.

You have no idea who the scientists actually are, you have no idea why you’re on that particular island, and there aren’t even any pieces of lore in text-based or audio form. The player is entirely left to speculate on their own, while at least Unturned has the following things:

  • text-based lore in every single survival map, albeit scattered
  • actual story elements (NPCs, quests, easter eggs and achievements relating to them)
  • a very easy setting to understand (everyone knows what a zombie apocalypse is)

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