Losing body parts

oh shit looks like my hands are gone because that guy shot them off, time to defend! image
shit how do i even hold this piece of shit


it would be funny if you could shoot a ragdoll’s existing limbs off, but it really doesn’t fit Unturned’s style and target audience.

maybe somebody can mod it in.

I’d rather amputate my soul than adding body part loss to the game


Does it make sense?
Typically after a gunfight you’ll keep all of your appendages unless you have an amputation in a hospital afterwards. So the whole ‘body parts falling off’ in those cases isn’t happening. Only after being blown up or slashed by a sword will you lose an appendage.

Is this practical?
Assuming that you pick realistic scenarios only, it will be rare for players to lose their appendages. And even when they do, they’ll probably die soon after seeing as they’re missing an appendage due to someone geared enough to have explosives, or someone who is actively stabbing them. This mechanic will rarely be used.

How does it change the meta?
The normal gameplay would now be players committing suicide to ‘fix’ themselves. This would also screw disadvantaged players even further after being stabbed or blown up.

Is this a fun mechanic?
No, losing an appendage after winning/losing an encounter isn’t that fun. Neither is suiciding to get it fixed.

A rarely used mechanic that isn’t fun, and only serves to offer a disadvantage to me in combat isn’t too appealing.

Even our friendly neighborhood pirate doesn’t want to lose his hand for a hook.


Now that is a well constructed and thought out argument. You acknowledged the meta that OP was trying to create rather than pretending the OP had just suggested a completely random mechanic and explained why creating that metal would be problematic, all without relying on opinions on what the target audience or atmosphere of the game should be like.

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Why, thank you good sir.

As an effect like in Insurgency Sandstorm or Left 4 Dead 2, yes, but as an actual gameplay mechanic, no.


While I whould disagree that Yarrrr is our friendly neighborhood pirate, your point rings true, and i agree with it.

Although, loseing limbs during death I whould not mind… Maybe…

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Not to dogpile your idea too much here, but if you really wanted a amputation/prosthetics system you would need to create an incentive to keep on living instead of taking the easy way out, ie suicide. The problem with that is that its nearly impossible without making the game perma death, which is an entirely different can of worms.

Keep in mind Nelson tries to appeal to kids on his game.
The “everyone” appeal.

Yes, I don’t like the “everyone” appeal/target audience either… but its what he wants.

No, he doesn’t try to appeal to kids. Kids p
Shouldn’t even be playing Minecraft, much less unturned. Unturned was never meant to be a kids game, but kids flock to it like every other game because it’s free and their parents don’t care.

Ah yes, only thing left to complete my cringe compilation is someone suggesting organ transplants

lmao WHAT

you do realise Minecraft is specifically made for kids right

I would rather just be able to chop of body parts of zombies with melee or when I get a insta kill on a player with an 50bmg rifle.

No. Minecraft is 10+

I think you should get a better definition of a “kid” (child).

Taking the simple definition given by google for example, a child is either
(A) “a young human being below the age of puberty”
(B) “[a young human] below the legal age of majority”

By that definition the bare minimum of 10 could be both.

It’s also worth noting that an ESRB or PEGI rating isn’t some definite law that people have to follow. It’s really more of a suggestion to parents at most.

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I thought kid meant cabrito.

Can we all just take into consideration that AJ just denied Minecraft being for kids


Could y’all have picked something more trivial to get hung up on?

I refer to people under 10 as kids. So, go away, because any game that has death in it most definitely isn’t for what I consider to be kids.