When I wrote this I don’t mean make the game easier. I hope zombies will be stronger and supplies more rare.
This is more designed to make the game less frustrating, as you can blitz through the game easily then die because of some stupid thing. This also makes people who want to team up less afraid of KOS(kill On Sight) and so are less likely to do this themselves in preemptive self defence.
Having to spend ages just walking to get back to your stuff is easily the most annoying part, so to skip that boredom you should have some starting locations to choose from so the player can go somewhere close to their death.
It makes sense that a person would drop all their stuff when they die and having them keep their inventory would result in massive duplication exploits. Skill points though don’t have any kind of correlation to your inventory so they can be safely kept. As well I think that KOS shouldn’t be rewarded with xp. So I think there should be some retaining of skills and skill points, I haven’t played 3.0 in a while so I cant remember how much you keep but it definitely needs to be buffed.
As well I think bare handed melee should be buffed or the player spawn with a low durability knife.
I think punching is the better option because this prevents duplication of knives and it is definitely under powered in its current state(does it seriously take that many punches disable a zombie?) it’s an absolute joke with how fighting is basically running backwards and clicking. Stagger should be heavily buffed and given a better animation so the zombie is actually pushed back. there should also be the ability to crack the zombies neck.
Sorry if this post comes off as a bit demanding and have a nice day.