So two days ago, Jan 17, apparently some gigantic hacker list of cracked emails and for many of them their respective unlocked passwords as well went out on a hacking forum and well over 700 million emails and 20 million passwords are listed on it. It’s documented in the following articles.
Obviously they are both secure and run by a well-known guy, but feel free to steer away if you’re at all skeptical.
What do you think of this? I myself use two-factor auth on all my important sites (Steam, Epic games, etc) and I don’t keep anything like personal data, addresses, credit card numbers or social security numbers on my devices (My parents take care of that.) so i’m not too worried. The worst they could do is get into my Steam and wreck some stuff, but it’s still a frightening topic. My email was apparently fine but my passwords were dug up multiple times and my brother has his email on another foreign spam list. I’m pretty paranoid about this type of stuff so idk, but thought i should pass on the news. The world’s a dark place, and the internet even darker. Stay safe.
Update! My email discovered three people in random countries that knew my credentials. My security blocked them and passwords’s changed, everything’s fine, but this thing is real! Everyone check up on your email ASAP.
To note, my email gave me security notifications when i logged on. While checking your stuff on those websites login to your email too, it should tell you of suspicious behavior.
Thanks everyone for being mature and not memeing and actually taking the time to check your safety and security, it means a lot to me and makes me proud to be here. Remember to turn on two-factor authentication on all your important websites like Steam and link an emergency email or phone number to yours so people can’t get in, and replace your password if you find any suspicious activity! It’s what saved me from possibly losing everything i own on my laptop. Be safe.