Okay a thing basic on balanced games. Information! To developers know.
- Hey this need a nerf.
or - Hey maybe a buff in here.
In resume a thing with high cost and benefit ever is the tool more used be it a equipament to raid or a Gun maybe a place with resouces or same the tree than you down to get resouces.
But which is a “OP” thing? its easy is the thing on called ““Meta game”” because had the better cost benefit and see this its crucial for a balanced game.
because this i propose than Vanilla servers should give informations to a network to create a balance in this.
The informations need be
- % of K/D using inventory X inventory
This is important to balancement the armor more used and healling itens.
Ex: “in game rust ~2016 a new armor was added with holding 75% of bullet dmg result everyone start using this armor and the armor has nerfed”
- % of maded/Used itens.
Itens are more manufactured for 2 reasons
- Its a item Crucial Like bandages on Unturned 3.0
or - Its a item OP Like AK on rust, or R8 when lanced in Counter Strike (106 Dmg just for 850$) this weapon has nerfed
% Zombies assassineds using item X
If you want zombies more powerfull this status are crucial -
% Type of zombie assassined
- % Xp/Qualification geted by X
A example of unbalanceament in unturned 3.0 its xp killing zombies and dowing trees. but how in unturned II go be different that is interesting for the same reason
% of X Dismounted Itens
Itens with much dismount need drop less materials. -
% of X Restaured Itens
Need turn more harder to restaure.
And another thing to know this need a balance or not its crucial exist more than 1 type of itens with the same function for example
- 2 or more weapons
- 2 or more ways of restaure your life
and many others…
and a mathematic logic -> The eficience of itens need be proportional to the existing amount of the same. for example a iten than spawn everytime on every place need be a terrible item.