Mechanisms to measure effectivity on vanilla servers

Okay a thing basic on balanced games. Information! To developers know.

  • Hey this need a nerf.
  • Hey maybe a buff in here.

In resume a thing with high cost and benefit ever is the tool more used be it a equipament to raid or a Gun maybe a place with resouces or same the tree than you down to get resouces.

But which is a “OP” thing? its easy is the thing on called ““Meta game”” because had the better cost benefit and see this its crucial for a balanced game.

because this i propose than Vanilla servers should give informations to a network to create a balance in this.

The informations need be

  • % of K/D using inventory X inventory
    This is important to balancement the armor more used and healling itens.
    Ex: “in game rust ~2016 a new armor was added with holding 75% of bullet dmg result everyone start using this armor and the armor has nerfed”

  • % of maded/Used itens.
    Itens are more manufactured for 2 reasons
  1. Its a item Crucial Like bandages on Unturned 3.0
  2. Its a item OP Like AK on rust, or R8 when lanced in Counter Strike (106 Dmg just for 850$) this weapon has nerfed

  • % Zombies assassineds using item X
    If you want zombies more powerfull this status are crucial

  • % Type of zombie assassined

  • % Xp/Qualification geted by X
    A example of unbalanceament in unturned 3.0 its xp killing zombies and dowing trees. but how in unturned II go be different that is interesting for the same reason

  • % of X Dismounted Itens
    Itens with much dismount need drop less materials.

  • % of X Restaured Itens
    Need turn more harder to restaure.

And another thing to know this need a balance or not its crucial exist more than 1 type of itens with the same function for example

  • 2 or more weapons
  • 2 or more ways of restaure your life
    and many others…

and a mathematic logic -> The eficience of itens need be proportional to the existing amount of the same. for example a iten than spawn everytime on every place need be a terrible item.

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I’m not really sure this needs to be added, Nelson will be doing far more testing in UII than 3.x; and I also think that he will receive lots of feedback concerning balance issues.

Some of the information also seems arbitrary. For instance, of course lots of players are going to be crafting bandages or bullets, it’s not because those items are OP, just that they’re really useful.

Or something like the amount of a certain type of Turned being slain; it makes sense that the normal Turned will be easier to kill than an Alpha spawner.

Those are just my two cents.

i quote this on my post =/

% of maded/Used itens.

  • Itens are more manufactured for 2 reasons
    1.Its a item Crucial Like bandages on Unturned 3.0
    2.Its a item OP Like AK on rust, or R8 when lanced in Counter Strike (106 Dmg just for 850$) this weapon has nerfed

Just because the majority of kills goes to a specific weapon doesn’t mean that that weapon is “overpowered” and needs to be nerfed. It could just be that that particular weapon is easier to use, or easier to find, or something else along those lines.

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