daily memes not serious plz no smoke
Interesting title
Yep i’m mad comments go brazy
also @shadowkukoy
can you fucking stop it with the 3rd person memes
we get it, 3rd person is shit
I dont see it fixed in 3.0 yet or any sign of it being fixed in the future
and also if you dont want to read third person memes… well dont read them.
yea cause nelson has no plans of fixing it
at least i think that
exactly. Just because you are a first person frisky doesn’t mean third person thickskills still don’t exist.
when have i ever said i was a First Person Frisky?
i use 3rd person occasionally for loot and zombie scouting
close enough knowing third person is BIG POO DEMON SATAN ON EARTH will have to do
never judge a book by its cover
bruh, at the point 3.0 is at, 3rd person cant be fixed, so it wont be fixed. Give it a break.
Also, wtf is this
i think he tried to curse but his mother interrupted him midway writing
okay can we actually stop now
How many times do we have to tell you old man.
A while back I emailed him and he said that he was probably going to restrict it in the official survival game mode (official servers)
How would you propose to fix it?
hehehehe I would say we uuhhhh remove teh thrid person!!!
thats just my opinion though, here at the Philip Franco show its all about having a conversation. Comment below your thoughts i would love to read them.
Report for Noobyfish submitted, report id 3165944708889851907.
oi cunt what the fuck you trying to do here
reporting you to roblox