Military Camo (Random Colour Spawn)

Hi there just a quick suggestion

On Russia. Military clothing is spawned it it’s respected environment. Green, i think there should be a chance for both camo’s (Desert and Green) to spawn on any Unturned Map. It’s simple and does not require an abundance of work put into for redesigning.


Washington: (Forest and Desert)
Russia: (Forest and Desert)
PEI: (Forest and Desert)

You get the idea. Simple, yet making it more diverse. Remember, not all Armies in the world have all matching outfits.

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Or they can do the actual camo paterns of their respective countries. Like with US ACU-OCP, Canadian CADPAT, and Russian VKBO.

There really is no point in this. Nelson would need to create a three new military shirts for each official map which would not even be useful since, for the most part, military outfits provide camouflage with the exception of the desert set.


In Unturned a camouflage pattern has the opposite effect. It makes the wearer stand out from their environment. The vanilla uniforms blend into their environments, save the Desert and France uniforms.

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