More building materials

My dream is that i will log in a vanilla server after the wipe.After i built my base, looted alot and loged off I will rejoin tomorow and i will see my base, in ONE piece.
In my opinion, two typs of building materials is not enough(only wood amd metal). in order to raid you need: or go to the deadzone, or make hord becon(which take 1-2 hours), and with that you can raid a super large wooden base or a nice metal base, that takes day or two to build.
I think that unturned need more building materials and more ways to protect the base.
My suggestion is
1.wood(the three types)
5.concrete (mix with stone and metal)+you need water in order to craft(just like in real life)
6.super concrete(mix with concrete and metal)+you need water in order to craft
This can make the survival&pvp even harder and more enjoyable.
I would like to hear you ideas aswell :slight_smile:


For the cement idea , i really like that ! We need to use an cement mixer , powered by a generator but … for a realistic recipe , we need : Sand bag ( industial , not military , because the sand for create cement is special ) , water bucket ( an other 4.0 Unturned item idea ) , and maybe … stone … i think . ( i prefer gravel or little rock )

I find all but ‘Super Concrete’ practical, as anything after Metal will take a lotta pepper to bring down.

nice adding! i like it

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making a bomb shelter with that super concrete would be pretty cool imo


awesome concept.

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