More comunity cured updates?

We all know that Nelson is working on Unturned 4.X and the updates that we are getting are quite small,so community projects should be the best option to maintain the 3.X players happy and let Nelson focus at developing 4.X

There is a Community project named Nevada and it is very interesting
Some art:

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I’m fairly certain Nevada has already gotten the go ahead and is going to be a community map update to Unturned (like Hawaii) in the future.

Pretty sure that was specifically denied several times in the past because of some confusion regarding that.

However, there are two curated projects planned to be released in the coming months.

Nevada has been dead for the better part of a year now, only making a recent comeback, so (no offense) take anything you hear from them with a grain of salt. It’s an extremely volatile project, with frequent uptime and downtime, and developers leaving left and right. I wish them thr best but from what I’ve seen no significant progress has been made in favor of smaller Christmas hat packs