Movements, animations, stealth and more

Before somebody says “There are like 999999999 posts like this, i hate you fuc u go kill yourself,blabllblblablabl, lol” THIS IS JUST AN POST WITH IDEAS FROM OTHERS USERS, AND SOME IDEAS FROM ME, IN ONE POST DONT HATE ME lol

The skills level on untured 3.0 are too much basic, (example: parkour levels. 1 2 and 3)
The skills should have more skills level
But not in just bars with numbers and things like in 3.0, it should be an tree like:

something like that but obviously better lol

Weight: you get fat when you eat to much in an short time
If you are too fat, you die by an heart attack
when you upgraded your movements skills, you loss fatness

The skills shouldt be upgraded by doing something too much times (fast reload: reload 15 a gun, lvl 2: reload 20 times a gun,etc or parkour by jumping and running near zombies and near objetcs like walls or houses)

i will edit this later i am soo tired

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So if i eat 10 corn i gain 10 pounds
Dam… She stole ma corn flakes

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This shit look like Google maps

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What? why this post needs 10 chracters to send .____________________.

Yep this paragraph entirely kills the suggestion for me.



I cleaned up your flowchart, JoaquinJAR, and added some of my own suggestions. Lines and skills/traits are weighted by importance from one skill/trait to another by being either more or less bold. If there’s anything you’d like me to add to it, let me know and I’ll make an individual forum post with your suggestions added.


joaquin realy i like the idea of weight, more for weapons or for armor maybe for itens more pls confirm for food… this is ridiculous

and the second idea a remade in the skill tree realy is a good sugestion dont missing suggestion for this and i concord we should have more suggestions. Because skills unbalance the game since 1.0

and, die by cardiac atack? This is a joke!

Kinda unrelated but, How did you go about making this chart? like the actual design?

I used a website called I just slapped the thing together in an hour or so.

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