just a small but useful feature, being able to move/drive while you’re in your inventory.
So you don’t have to stand still to get your gun while being chased by someone or if you’re in a vehicle.
I posted this because I don’t know if it’s already confirmed.
I do also like the idea, but then it would make getting caught off guard less punishing wich I don’t know if I like. You should not be able to move when you are looting a body and if you are running when you equip a gun or weapon from your inventory it should take longer to equip and your speed should be reduced slightly, but that’s just my opinion
I think it’s a great idea. I can see where some complaints would be but since using healing items is planned to require holding still for a small period of time, this seems like it would be really balanced and useful
Ignoring that realism isn’t really a valid complaint, this would make it more realistic because you can move and drive while taking things out of bags and such.
It’s not about fluidity
It’s about makimg the player feel vulnerable while looting
Forcing players to make a choice whether to risk your life for the loot, or stay safe and check for any other threat.
However, this will make looting less of a choice and more of an obligation which can make the game feel easier, which was an issue with 3.0
The reason why Im saying what Im saying is because I dont want the game to feel linear. Get gun, kill, loot, escape, use new gun, kill, escape. I want the players to always have a choice which will make the game less boring.