Muzzle Attachments In 4.0

That’s pretty…hehe…lit xDXDXDXXXxxXxDDDdDXdXXDXXDXDFdxxd

you should be able to have barrel attachments that you can put barrel attachments onto which you can place barrel attachments onto, so on so forth


how the fuck is that supposed to work?

just no

it would be funny af tho

I don’t see why the gun makes more noise while firing when you put a muzzle on it.
Secondly, a barrel would increase damage dropoff, if such feature exists in 4.0? That’s nonsense…Why would a heavy barrel ever decrease the damage you deal at extended range???
Talking about both realistic relevance and gameplay, these stats won’t be very impressive imo.
But the durability part, yes. It’s a pain in the arse in 3.0, definitely needs to be overhauled.

You mean “wouldn’t?” More damage dropoff means that more damage “drops off”

Errrrr, that’s what I meant by nonsense. A heavy barrel, under any circumanstances, will NOT make you deal LESS damage at range, than the same gun without such attachment. Assuming you are stating that it DOES deal less damage at range.

does it make it deal more damage?

It wouldn’t increase OR decrease your damage at range. All the effects heavy barrel have is making your shots more accurate and, as a good-to-have side effect, reduce your gun’s vertical kick a bit due to added weight.

So, basically, from a technical standpoint it decreases lateral and vertical dispersion values for consecutive shots as well as possible reducing/dampening kickback.

But it needs something to balance it out. That’s why I said high damage dropoff. In saying that though, what would your ideal stats be that still balances it out so that it doesn’t overshadow the other two attachments.

I don’t see why it needs a con to balance at all. It doesn’t give that much benefit compared with muzzle/supressor that would need cons to balance them out. All it does is improve your precision and other very minor benifits. Just for that you need to trade with less damage at distant targets? Hell no.
To sum myself up, there is nothing wrong with the current heavy barrel’s stats to me. I’ll be completely fine with it if it’s 3.0 stats are kept to 4.0. But no, not with that higher damage dropoff. Needs to provide more benefits to have it possibly play as a balancing factor, even then alternative cons should be considered as this damage dropoff is just not realistic.

Heavy barrels aren’t inherently more accurate, they just overheat slower. Accuracy comes down to manufacturing quality and mounting. A free floated pencil profile barrel can be extremely accurate, but heavy barrels are easier to make precisely. Heavier profile barrels in game should cause slower overheating, but at the cost of being bigger and heavier.

By barrel I mean one you attach at the end of the firearm’s barrel (idk what it’s called). I assume you’re talking about the actual barrel where like the chamber and stuff is.

Basically, I’m confused.

Yes. L.A.S.E.R.

The barrel is the tube the bullet comes out. The muzzle is the end the bullet comes out. In 4.X there are already separate barrel and muzzle attachments, and attachments affect the size of weapons in the inventory. I assumed because this post is in 4.X, and came after both of those were revealed, that they were part of the conversation, (especially when people brought up heavy barrels) but I was wrong.

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