Need a "Realistic(features) Difficulties" NOW!

The only things I agreed with in this forum post is slower healing and removal of crosshair.

Everything else I did not like, especially the Oneshot Headshot.
I believe a few people have brought this up before, and its a horrible idea in my opinion.


So you want Unturned but Insurgency.

Why would you hate that 1-shot-kill so much without a reasonable reason?

Three shot to the head and still don’t die? That’s more ridiculous I think.

Well I think crosshair should be enabled for only melee weapons

Hey son, Do you think “I hit a guy with 3 bullets and he didn’t die” is realistic?

Well, Apocalypse doesn’t mean only zombie at all.
There’s so many apocalypse situation: Pandemic, The Great Depression, EMP or Nuclear, and so on.

knowing exactly how much health you have is way better than just knowing “i am injured”

and @Awbee you really want the most realistic pvp in unturned? are you really sure? cause i mean i like being able to go 10 seconds without dying in pvp as the fun of pvp is the fight and the rush from fighting
i feel like someones already said this but sometimes Realism !> Gameplay

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