Need help with Devkit materials

If there has already been materials baked onto the tile in the regular Editor, is there a way to paint materials onto it with the Devkit? If I click things nothing happens, and it’s just the yellow circle, if I select a material nothing happens, and if I try to click on it nothing happens either.

Devkit has it’s own terrain system so you can’t paint or modify the standard terrain. You will need to go back to the standard editor to do that.

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ah, okay. is there a way to get the standard materials alongside other maps’? like, if you copy the russia materials folder you get the Russia ones, but how do you get textures from multiple maps?

i think you can mix them with unity and use the materials you want
i have no idea about unity

me neither


I don’t think you can unless you have the source files because the materials are in a single file that you can’t unpack.


You could datamine files

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