Nelson added the public test branch?!

Nelson what is this?

I play that version and is the 3.0 idk what difference have with the normal 3.0

i guess maybe on the next update he will add like the place where we can test the combat

Screw it, I’m bruteforcing the key if he doesn’t give it to us.

as someone who played it for a long time, can say thats hella new.

That preview test branch is just for 3.0 things, been around for a while already.


That public test branch was for operationmapleleaf, unturned 4 is a different game, and will probably be a new steam release

This has existed for weeks. It is a public test branch for play-testing Unturned 3’s weekly updates. It is not related to 4, and not related to OPERATIONMAPLELEAF.


You’re a couple weeks late to the party.

That’s simply a new testing branch for future 3.0 updates.

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