New map update

Whats new…

  • New Locations

  • Better Optimization (not perfect yet)

  • Car, Item, and zombies spawns removed temporarily

  • Some Bugs fixed. (Sorry if theres floating vehicles in random places, remember, this is an experimental build of the map)

  • Working power in some locations

  • Notes should be added in the next update.

  • Darker Nights

In this update, Probably one of the biggest things I did was remove HUNDREDS of unneeded objects. You can now get better fps in the big cities. Also Spawns have been removed till I have finished the map object wise. Lab objects can be found around the map, put there intentionally by the lab or not. :wink:

Heres some photos to show an area before+After optimization.


(btw I will make it more scattered around.)
Download the map from the steam workshop HERE

oh crap… just realised I forgot to turn off road nodes XD

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You done fucked up

See generally the issue isn’t stuff like that, nothing wrong with it, stuff like the fact I can see two barricades fused together is the issue.

Edit: Wrong link.

Where’d the office dividers go in the second picture?

wth, why does it link to some assassins creed photo? thats not even my profile?

I’m trying to make the places seem like most of the stuff was taken out of it, Ill make it seem more realistic later.

there, the link is fixed

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