When you think about it, Unturned has everything but news stations. If it had news stations, then we could get cameras, computers, microphones and speakers. Then we could be able to have advanced security systems. Like, being able to use a camera and a poorly constructed laptop (made of bits and pieces scavenged from computers in the news station) to control it. You also could put a camera on a sentry and, after a lot of hard work getting the materials for it, be able to control sentries remotely. It’s just an idea I had. but, you could also activate traps and security systems if you have to get off (your computer) and you’re far away from your base.
Edit: What I mean is, you have to get broken parts from the news station (from broken down cameras and computers because people are clumsy when running from zombies) and use it to make everything. In other words, it’ll take you quiet awhile before you can make a computer capable of controlling more than one or two sentries/cameras, but, after that, you could make a computer that controls almost everything in your base! Let’s say, you can turn on or off your automatic farm and fuel pumps from a very, (very, very, very) poorly constructed computer.
None of those materials would be exclusive to news stations, so they would still probably be just as pointless locations as they would have been in 3.X. As for security cameras, drones, remote control sentries, and such, IIRC, there’ve already been a few stupid arguments about them on this forum, which I have some far avoided, and would like to continue avoiding.
in my opinion, the advanced security systems don’t match with post-Apocalypse game like Unturned and if so they should make industrial generator can’t be taken or dropped like in 3.0, it should be just in the place. But make a news stations building is good idea to find a stuff that maybe can be used to survive.
I mean honestly, if they did add security cameras to 4.0, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have these as locations. If this doesn’t happen, what about requiring camera equipment for sentries to be made, and it’d spawn here?
For 4.0 they would be kind of op and raids would be either waithing for the base owner to leave either waithing for the bateries to run out …
Or just shoot the camera? If it would be so hard to make a functional security camera why would people make them if you could just shoot them
Imho, security cameras need a host server and a power supply (both) to prevent people from spamming the cities with cams. Make them require maintenance. They record up to an hour (or 2 or 3 if you guys want) to the second you entered the host server which gives you options that say “Camera 1”, “Camera 2”, “Camera 3”, etc. And when you enter the decided cam, you get 2 options: “Live Feed” or “View Footage”. The first is self explanatory, the second gives you a recording with its own UI that shows you what happened up to an hour ago (or 2 or 3)
Basically, when you place down a camera, it has to be within the range of a host server (we can give it a range of 30m) and a power supply. When you interact with it, you get 3 options: “Rename Camera”, “Turn Left”, and “Turn Right”
Well, OP was mostly talking about 3.x so I was thinking of 3.x while making the comment. But yeah, the main idea still applies, you just need to wire it to a power source
My point was that instead of the server magically connecting to all cameras within 30 m but being unable to connect to other cameras beyond that range, it would make more sense for the limit to be based on how many cameras can be wired to it and how you’re setting up your wires.
Sounds pretty cool, I never thought of that myself. Kylie, you really know what it should be like. Basically, I agree with you about the server and wiring ideas.