Should the night time be something you should be afraid of, be cautious, take a second to think twice of?
Since it’s clearly going to get even darker in 4.x then what is there to fear? Whatever’s lurking in the darkness might be the last you want to meet, a player, a feral zombie, a BEAR, who knows?
What gives you willies when night time comes, aside from the monster hiding underneath your bed…?
I think the general consensus is that Night Time is for making moves. Everybody is active during daytime, but when the sun goes down and it’s hard to see, it provides greater cover for raids and looting. Most people would lay back at their bases and take care of things they can see in a lit up building. I think that’s a good part of what makes the night so scary, is because everyone sees that it’s open season for killing or looting without too great a risk.
I was thinking of night could be exactly like that but it’s not only bandits you’re keeping an eye out for since Unturned 4.x is going to be mainly focused on PVE…more like “natural hazards” you have to be aware of.
Yeah, night time is when i go active because I have more cover and less of a chance to get caught and shot. That’s when you can tell the difference between pussies and opportunists. Because at night, I go and raid if I can, watch them shit their pants as explosions happen left and right on their base. It also gives me the advantage because I can see them (in the base’s lit area) but they can hardly see me and where I’m coming from
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