Option to create community

Currently we can only create groups in a short time the groups can only have 3 participants, my idea is that after we create a staple in the menu where we see the members have the button “create community” Where you can invite different groups and the leader of the group guest should accept or not, so all groups will be allies but to differentiate members from different groups the name that sits on top of the player will have different colors,. An example all members of Bob’s group have the red names while members of the mike’s group has the blue names would improve interaction with allied groups without that fear of betrayal.

Extra suggestion Notification of invitation: If someone invites you to the group, a notification similar to the achievements of the console games will appear. An example “Bob invited you to the group” in case of community as in my suggestion "Bob invited his group to the community "in this case only the leader will receive the notification.


do you know what groups of groups are called?


Too bad, npcs can’t move in unturned 3 ;3

Groups can have an infinite number of people. The server you were playing on chose to forcefully limit them to 3.

A but the communities would join several groups however each group is independent being able to expel members and to call others who would automatically be part of community.

They do when you sleep


Aren’t you a communist? Why are you supporting smt Nato/Un like faction ;3 HMM?

I’m a Liberal Democratic Socialist.

Ewww liberal, I bet you watch TLC unironically and is big feminist and accept trigender sepenger attack helisender bendergender.

LoL :tokyo_tower:

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Well he is right thats something a “liberal socialist” would do.

how can the replies to a post be so off topic

also this suggesitio nhas Bad l Ol


This is a good idea , thoses groups in a community would have to cooperate and I could imagine them building large survivors camps for the new survivors which would then join the community , i would also enjoy non-group player to be able to join The community .

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With this we could create a REAL survivor camp lol

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