Passcodes for lockers

You spelling lit wrong

Also, remembering the code might not be the best thing for some people so I think 3 digit code is the best of both worlds instead of forgetting a 20 digit code and trying everything and wasting 2 hours.

Very good idea

I don’t think 4 digits will be difficult to remember because for people who use phones and use the pin code lock, it’s 4 digits. It can be a date of birth, like 1996 or something like that.
And can probably be changed by salvaging it and placing it again

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We could make combinaison we want :
3, 4, 5 or 6 numbers… or even footprint system

I’d love to see the passcode/lock system introduced, would be pretty cool.

Don’t use codes you can’t remember then, or just write it down somewhere even.

You’d probably change it through a radial menu like most other things.



I think this sounds like a great idea, like Rust in the sense you could put it on doors, lockers, etc. +1

Surely nothing could go wrong with a scanner with only 1 possible entry. Our feet are smooth as heck

wearing shoes

only sandals can open the lockers now

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It would automatically deny you if you’re wearing sandles with high socks @Yarrrr

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I don’t know what your talking about but I think socks and sandals would grant you access to any locker.
Like look at these babies their so beautiful


LMFAO :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nelson really should put socks and sandles in Unturned 4


Typo Alert!

sandle --> sandal

Thank you for your cooperation, citizen

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If he adds these I’ll vow to only wear these if I can.


Bonus points for frayed shorts and tanktop

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Thank you Spelling Police

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