People's body parts glitching through walls

This was a big problem in unturned, but u know when ur pressed up againist a wall, but others can see parts of ur body through on the other side of the wall, being able to be shot. This needs to be fixed because it is so frustrating getting killed just because ur leg is sticking out on the other side of the wall.

I hope this is fixed for U4.

Well considering the fact that in one of the early devlog’s (I think 3?)

when Nelson was showing gun play, he went to a wall and the character held the gun up so it didn’t glitch into the wall

I can assume the same will be for the players.

He also in devlog 16 showed the player lifting his leg to on side when on a slope

oh yes true also

I think he made thicker/full models too so they aren’t just thin textures like everything in 3.0

Based on what we’ve seen regarding everything from locomotion to firearm handling in the devlogs, I can assure you this has already been dealt with.

One thing that I would like to see in Unturned, but can only think of seeing in Bf1 is that --instead of having your legs go through things while prone, or being extremely limited in where you can go prone and how you can turn while prone-- you’re knees should bend up out of the way if there’s something right behind you while you’re prone.

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