Placing graffiti in the map editor

Did anyone notice that placing graffiti in the editor changed?

It used to be a box and it puts the graffiti on the colliding object.
Now it’s just an object without the box and it’s pretty hard to perfectly align it with any object without any gaps. Same for the parking lines.

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That determines if you have something checked in the devkit editor. Im pretty sure its just unchecked by default

it depends on ur render mode, deferred shows the box while legacy does not


Aha, that fixed it. Weird that it doesn’t work in Legacy though.

I have a question about this. Will graffiti placed in deferred render mode appear flying in the air for legacy render mode players?

For example, if you place it on corner, will legacy players see it split?

That’s illegal);<

yeah it will appear like its flying for players on legacy mode, this is because decals are very difficult to render (to see this in action enable blood and shoot a person in god mode with a bluntforce a couple times) And since legacy rendering works better on older systems, i can see why decals and their performance intensive magic has been turned off.

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Ok, thanks for the info. Always was wondering about this when I was trying to make a map, but was too lazy to test it out

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