Progression Barriers

I meant early towns would be fairly easy, and then towns further “north” would be progressively harder as you get closer to the end game area, whatever it may be. I did word it poorly looking back on it.

Also yeah security systems would be fun, possibly hacking a turret or something to turn it on the turned would be interesting, or using emp grenades at them to shut them down for a short amount of time.

I don’t want to vote

Because I can’t vote for all of them.

You can dude lol

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Davai davai, get out of here Stalker.

I’ll ignore the fact that you’ve mentioned only the dangerous progression barriers that could exist. IMO mere survival should be the biggest one, and it comes along with everything such as getting gear, stay fed, stay warm (or cool), basing… Sorting evironment in general and enhancing your skills to sort everthing that comes from there or direct threats that you’ve mentioned. Either way, my 2 cents on these:

  • Different kinds of deadzones should be a thing, since there could be wastelands affected by chemical, biological or radioactive hazards, or more evironmental ones, like volcanic or highly freezing areas, or maybe just harsh to travel, like canyons, mountains and dense swamps.

  • Here I take variation and statistical increases and blend them together, since there should be different types of turned which have different stats each. Like that, the only factor I see that should affect the turned’s stats in general is difficulty, like it has always been. What we should do there is to sort differente turned by rarity or specific locations on which they are more prone to be wandering. I get this idea merely from here, and little to nothing can change my mind about it since it’s for me the best way it could be implemented.

  • Bandits are confirmed and I want to see them in the game. Now, how? Wandering bandits could be a fair threat, but people could see this as a problem, so I suggest that bandits should have their own camps and hideouts, and maybe temporarily roaming around small locations. And about their behavior towards the turned, I think that anything unturned, human or animal, shouldn’t just peacefully wander around along with them (yes, bandits should shoot the turned on sight too).

  • About turrets there isn’t that much I can add on, as we’re talking about apocalypse and there shouldn’t be any functional machinery anywhere within the containment zone, unless it’s owned by players or NPC’s. In that regard, if there were turrets on their own, IMO these should be at maps borders and nowhere else.

I feel that there should always be NPC government outposts and that these should be among the places where top-tier loot can be found, but would require either paying a hefty bribe or fighting your way through the entire compound. These would be defended by turrets, among other things, and the airdrop system could also be configured to revolve around this aspect, with the player having to either getting to the airdrop before the military or intercepting a convoy of vehicles, complete with multiple escorts armed with high-tier weaponry.

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I only mentioned dangerous ones as I thought they were the most controversial, basic survival things cant really be talked about anymore due to it being hard to discuss in depth comparisons when its kind of hard to say how much food should matter. (It would be awkward to say “I want to run out of hunger every 20 minutes with x food giving x calories” and things like that, plus everyone wants temperature/a in depth food system so I dont really think it needs to be touched on by me especially when others can make far better posts on it.

Biological things would be fun, I think ive seen areas covered in spores (think stranger things upside down if youve ever seen it) would be really cool

For statistical increases I was thinking about higher tier “standard” turned or just the normal “walker” being buffed, instead of replacing “walkers” with “walkers but stronger” and it being a different variation of turned. This could probably restrict creativity in design, but I think we are on the same page.

Wont really touch on bandits, because I dont really have anything to offer in that topic (because I dont want them)

Turrets in CDDA are pretty interesting in that the reason they shoot people in lore is that their code uses machine learning, and with so many hostile zombies, it eventually machine learned to shoot normal people on sight as well, with turrets on the perimeter of military zones, but zombies on the inside as turrets arent set to shoot into the base, only out of. It would raise the question of when the apocalypse it taking place, which would be a touchy subject as automated turrets are probably a decade or so away, but I think this would make an interesting addition, along with an excuse to have things shoot at you while also dealing with turned.

No disrespect, I dont like this. I want the turned to actually seem like the greatest threat, capable of infecting the highest security military encampment, instead of the government still holding on to their strongest assets. I feel like this would make the turned seem a bit too weak, as if they cant kill the military, why did they really make it that far in the firstplace, and why is the military not taking areas back if they have the funding/manpower to drive hordes of turned away from their base. I would far rather see npc bases selling lower quality gear instead of the best of the best, so that there is still an incentive to loot instead of grinding whatever currency is used in order to pay for loot.

On top of that this idea sounds like one would be raiding bigish NPC bases, which I am also against, which I have mentioned before.

These military outposts would be manned by the, and I mean this, the absolute fucking best of the best, the cream of the cream of the crop, attempting to enforce containment policies as best as they can as well as protecting government scientists who are conducting experiments on the Turned, which would explain why they’ve survived for so long.
I want to make it so that you’d either need Sneak 1000 in order to get in and out alive or a literal fucking army, complete with a tank, and even then the soldiers would be armed with antiarmor weaponry and heavy weapons.

Problem with that, if you really want to get into it is that I have NEVER seen a first person real time survival game that has good human enemy ai.

I am saying this with absolute certainty that no matter what, bandit npcs will either be aimbots that people will complain about, or braindead walking loot boxes. There will be some form of cheese that will make them a complete joke, and I seriously doubt any programmer could make a fair ai in a “perma” death survival game.

Yeah, that was what I was worried about.
Because AI is either aimbot or terrible aimbot that misses all the time.

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If every game has problems with boys, why do you act if there are “good” ones. Also, it’s not that hard to change AI up a bit to make them act more like people.

All you need to do is make them have schedules (ex. Lunch, Randomly heading to the toilets, switching out with other guards) you don’t even need to make them walk across the entire map, only have them walk around in the base on one determined paths unless they spot a person. And make their aim seem at the level you guys talk about. Say they have around 85% accuracy. It would make them seem good, but not perfect. You could also make a sort of come vision going forward from their head, and you just avoid that vision and be fine. If you get out of that line of sight, and hide in a decent spot, you can lose them, but they will be more alert for a short while.

You could also sneak in while they fend off a horde. (maybe the horde could even take out the entire base for you.)

Same games have better AI, but most of those games have really small maps so they dont just bake a navmesh on it they make it themselves, which would be really time consuming if maps are big.

“just code them to be good lol”

Schedules would help, but thats just a circuit, unless an area around the path is navmeshed. If it wasn’t navmeshed and was a true circut you could just do something dumb like put landmines on it, or just know when they arrive to avoid them.

The problem with aim and big maps is that it just raises so many questions

How far away should they shoot from? Should they have a chance to not see people in bushes and things? How far is their aggro range? If its too short they can just be sniped, if too long they can just snipe people. How strong should they be? Should they have unlimited ammo? Whats stopping someone from kitting zombies into bandits? Whats stopping someone from kiting bandits into zombies? The questions are endless and each one answered makes the game more CPU demanding.

I dont want bandits.

U know, you have to ask the same question for zombies, yet I don’t see you complaining.

Also, they would probably have alternate routes, and if an explosion occurs they would be more cautious-ish(?) of stuff like that. (also, do you really think landmines will be common enough that you would waste in on 1 npc)

You dont though, zombies are basic, melee and arent supposed to be real people.

No, you talking about how they see, plus wouldn’t they wander around, hmm… How about the hordes at night time? They would have to group together and move together, without splitting off. Or how about being able to escape them, or hiding in the bushes.

Essentially, zombies are people as well, but dumber, (sometimes slower), but usually have much better smell (and occasionally eyesight) or other mutations.

I shall begone now.

Turned are allowed to be weakish because the wont drop food, clothes, weapons and ammo when you kill them.

As for sight, it makes sense for turned to have bad senses, because they are corpses, and it wouldntmake for fun gameplay of every zombie knew your position and walked towards you. Just like it wouldnt make fun gameplay to be sniped by AI from 500m out. Dont try to compare bandit ai and turned, one is trying to be a human, the other is an alien extra dimensional thing.

Actually not all types of zombies people have made up are dead. Actually quite a few zombies and stories are dead anymore.

Also, dont forget that the zombies in 4 will have a “dark organic look”, so it sounds like they WILL be mutated, and for something to mutate, it still needs to be alive. If something is dead and it mutates, it’s some other creature, not the dead thing itself. Okay?

Can we stop derailing every thread that anyone doesn’t describe turned exactly the way you like? They’re functionally the same as zombies or the undead or the infected or mutants or whatever and he even acknowledged that they could include weird extra dimensional things.

Us know, I just realised something, you all get so angry at people when they assume something will be a certain way in-game, but then you guys assume how a whole bunch of things will be if they are added, no matter how dumb that assumption is.

Like really, how likely is OT that some random guy will start shooting at someone that’s super far away without knowing how dangerous they are. Even in the apocalypse. The people who would do that would probably die off fast, as they take shots at people who know how to shoot back.

Also, I think people in military bases wouldn’t waste ammo unless something was attacking them. Like really think about it, you guys are only thinking of AI from random games that are terrible. What I said about sightlines is when you are specifically inside their base. They may keep an eye on you if your outside, but they obviously wouldnt open fire the second they see you.