If you’re reuploading something you should at least say it’s reuploaded and credit the original author. I don’t see what’s wrong with that, as long as you’re not claiming the thing is yours.
In my opinion it doesn’t matter if the workshop is full of “low effort content”. It seems to be mostly stuff from other mods compiled together for people’s server, or a previously existing map with all the spawns and zombies taken out and “RP” put on the title with the thumbnails changed to the logo of their group or network or whatever. If you want good content it’s not too hard to find, the search bar and categories are there.
I think if someone is credited there isn’t really a problem with someone uploading their stuff, especially if it’s not previously uploaded to the workshop. I see people uploading the bundles from curated maps crediting the authors and the authors getting pissed off that it was uploaded “without their permission” even though there’s no other convenient way to use the map’s objects and assets, since they didn’t upload them themselves as a standalone thing.