Public Beta

Anyone know the realise date for public beta? The point that I’m not special or youtuber I will definetlly not get private beta so I would like to know when pub. Comes out.


The ‘‘public’’ beta will be given to those who have X hours in unturned 3.0, this will occur even this month will probably be released next to devlog 24, I have seen rumors that it will be that Friday or the next.


OK, thank you :heart:

@GaPpYSp3H no problem :smiley:

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That is something that BSG would say

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:eyes: Keep an eye for the next devlog, which is most likely coming this month.

My guesses are:

  • Nelson will give the access of public beta to people with experienced beret – 2,4k hours on the original game. (seems highly likely to me)

  • Nelson will actually keep the “hours” barrier low, and give people with at least ~1,2k hours access to public beta.

I would go for second option, so more people who actually are dedicated/been dedicated in playing the original game could not only have access to test out the beta version of unturned II, but also give a lot of feedback, both for pvp and pve.


Why 1.2/2.4? Why not just 1k/2k?

Top secret. :upside_down_face:

Well, 2,4k made more sense to me because that’s the amount of hours you get the experienced beret. And 1,2k is half of it… idk why

Edit: Welp, you got me. But you get the point, one says the barrier will be high, other one says the barrier will be low.

Easier conversion from hours to days. (maybe I dunno)

I mean 2.4k hours is exactly 100 days, right? Would make sense for a fun little hat, but for something like an open beta just looks kinda random.


24h x 100

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It’s not random. I think Nelson wants more experienced players to be able to participate in the beta because they will most likely give quite a bit of feedback for the game and how it’s coming to shape. Also another reason could be to limit the possibility of cheaters, but this early on… I doubt that’s the main reason.

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Somebody get this genius a medal


i have 600 hrs… i think its insane for someone to get 2k hrs just to play a beta. nelson would most likely give it to people who have played it since 2.0


@TheForgedWarrior No, is necessary to have a certain number of hours to be included in the open beta, nelson always chose people he knew had knowledge of the game by on wave two had to be regular to ask for a beta key for him, the main reason for betas and obeter feedback of how the game can be improved … I have 666 hours :smiling_imp:, although I have more counting on other accounts that I had in the steam.

Tons of games, such asRainbow Six siege never had a public open beta before the game was even ready. Nelson is being very generous to let the community play his game before there is more sustinant (i cant spell sustinant :frowning: ) content.

So don’t whine about it!


Why 0.99€ or 99.99€ why not 1€ and 100€? Guess some stuff we will never know?

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The package is set to release via hours, not download date. While the intent is to get the beta out to more people, that doesn’t necessarily mean immediately opening it up to a majority of the player-base.

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@MoltonMontro But does Nelson have any time base? although I’m sure it’s a stupid question who already has the closed beta still have the beta open?