I had beta on old account, on this one I don’t so that meant I won’t be able to play pub. Beta?
I’m hoping the guy doesn’t lock it on 2,400 because saying people like me
(who have 1,900 hours) aren’t experienced is pretty strange.
Or anyone 1,300+ really, since keep in mind the average amount of hours for any person invested into the game is REALLY high so those who want to become experienced have the bar-to-reach set higher.
I still don’t get why people think 2400h is some random number. It’s 100 days, that’s what it takes to get the experienced beret.
Using the same requirement for the beta doesn’t come out of nowhere.
Marketing trick to make you mentally think it’s cheaper than it is.
yeah sounds cheap
Cheaper compared to it’s original price.
which would be 100000000000.00
Not much but your brain gets tricked. Like an optical illusion
i would kill a pirate for a beta key
I feel you
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