Another idea that I’m not going to dedicate a full-length essay on. Basically, raiding structures with tools will give you the resources that the buildable is made from, with “claimed” bases yielding around 50-75% of the original material and “unclaimed” bases yielding all of the material, assuming the structure is at max health.
Just an incentive to raid bases not just for the loot inside, but also the material the base is made of.
I think you should be able to raid bases in Unturned 4.0 and be able to make them your own. In Unturned 3.0 you cannot do that because the previous owner can salvage all of the walls, doors stay locked and storage too.
A system like rusts could be good for something like this! Maybe after the time that the server owner has set up base owners can not edit their base or salvage? This would let people steal bases and could be very very good.
Rust is a game of survival and when you disconnect your body and your itens don´t desappear in another words you sleep in game.
Another special thing in rust after make the base you are capable just of remove simple itens with a hammer (and claim area) like turrets, doors, simple machines, lamps etc. Never capable of remove things than are crucial in base in you form with the hammer like (Walls, Roofs, Floor, Advanced Workbench, Etc…)
This is great because is impossible remove the Player inventory of the world, and dont make stupid things like remove a wall in simple seconds.