I love references so i had it in my mind that the Rainbow Hatchback should be in Unturned2(4.o) as a reference to Unturned3 I even cloud see it as a working vehicle maybe found in some scientific place or just in some random garage or as a secret vehicle so this made me think about what other references could we have ? like the washing machines found on roads maybe… what do you guys think what other references Unturned2 should have ?
one day we will figure out greemar rund these prts
jokes aside the idea of putting the rainbow car as an actual vehicle isn’t a good one buckero
The washing machine stuff is like a sort of signature for map makers so it will probably transfer over to unturned 2.
A rainbow colored hatchback I would be fine with, but if it has the ability to fly I would say keep it as something only accessible through cheats.
I’d much prefer having the rainbow hatch as a billboard ad instead of an obtainable vehicle in a survival game that will apparently take stuff more seriously.
edit: i typed in “hatch” again instead of “ad” wtf
The only way I’d approve of this is if it impossible to obtain in normal gameplay.
To have it spawn is a horrific idea, even 3.0 didn’t do that and it wasn’t even aiming to be as realistic as Unturned II…
Sory. acunt hlepp yoWittht, yao hav ot faix yasoo gramarrr,
I think I said enough
Zombie (or infected) in II is a reference to unturned 3.0.
I’d rather have it not spawn naturally
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